Monday, October 24, 2016

Service Project

These two little boys, from South Korea, aren't part of the service project, but they are so dang cute, that I wanted to share.

Our Zone was asked to clear out this mess that was causing flooding, upstream.

  Elder Jipus (Philippines) is actually smiling.

 I don't know what kind of critters lurk in this water, but they said there were no leeches or piranhas. Whew! Good to know!

However, they did say there were cane spiders, cockroaches and "other beasts". I think they were just so excited to get in any water that they were willing to face the "pond scum". They got the job done and water is once again, flowing freely.

These are some of our sweet Visitor Center Sisters.

 Not so sweet smelling this day!

They all survived.

Not sure about their socks and shoes, though.

Muddy, Aloha

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