Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 16, 2016
This is the day I turned sixty.  

It was a beautiful day. Perfect!

Birthday card from my companion. Perfect.

Ayesha, our YSA Relief Society President. Her betrothed and I share a birthday. She is as kind as she is pretty!

Our family branch had a "Hugs for Heidi" birthday party for me. There was leftover cake from a reception the night before, The bride and groom ate one slice. It was donated to the party. Perfect! 

Noah, on the left, is playing happy birthday, on his ukulele, as our friends sing and my candles burn. Perfect!

David, world renowned surfer, wanderlust and Branch Mission leader. What a kind man. 

I just love how everyone leaves their shoes right in the doorway.

Miya and Belle. There were kids everywhere. Perfect!
My companion, with frosting on his nose. He was a good sport. Perfect!

Summer of 2006. Ten years have gone by.

                     October 2016. Perfect!              



  1. Hugs for Heidi!! I love it. And you! Happy birthday Sunshine!

  2. Happy birthday Sister Cameron! I love reading your blog. Say hello to your companion for me! Hugs,
    Sister Snow

  3. WOW.. you look great compared to ten years ago. Keep it will look like a babe before you know it;o) Thanks for sharing your birthday with us.

  4. Happy Birthday(late).What a fun day!!! I thought of you throughout your special day. We were on our annual Jackson Salmon fishing(for steelhead)trip. Love all the pictures! Love you guys!! <3

  5. Love! I'm glad everyone is taking good care of you there. Party and all!

  6. Did you ever think you'd spend your 60th birthday in Hawaii?! Looks like a wonderful day! Happy Birthday!!

  7. Happy belated Birthday!!! There is no better place to spend it!! I love David Bowen, we were in school together!
