Friday, September 2, 2016

Service project, gone bad, for some.

Elder Graham, spraying some kind of acid, on the graffiti at the local skateboard park. The park organizers said it was made from organic soybean. Hmmmm.

It seems to be working quite well. The paint is disappearing. 

Elder Egbert, the day after. He had chemical burns on every toe pad. Lucky for you, the worst ones were bandaged before we got the picture. This Elder is NOT a whiner!

Doc Cameron caring for the wounded. It took four days of treatment.

The locals wore plastic slippers or went barefoot and sprayed their feet off, a lot, during the cleaning. The Elders wore shoes and their socks soaked up the acid and pooled under their toes. I'm not convinced the cleaning agent was "organic". They all survived and the skate-park looks great.


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