Thursday, September 15, 2016

More randomness, but, kind of fun.

This is what happens if you hold still for about a week.

We "found" Secret Turtle Beach. The island nor islanders 
gives up any secrets until you've paid the required price.

This four foot turtle moves at my two speeds - slow and stop.

It is sooooo tired.

This podium from our YSA Branch, has a harsh existence. Perhaps, you recall, it lives in a rubber tote during the week. Sometimes, dogs and kids chew on it. Last week, it collapsed. Elder Cameron took some serious pity on it. He brought it home and literally rebuilt and varnished it. I wasn't sure it would survive so didn't get a before picture. He did a great job!

"Queen of the Night"
This orchid cactus blooms only between dusk and dawn, one time a year. This one lives next door to us. Beautiful.

This is at dusk, every day. Beautiful.

"Most people live on a lonely island, lost in the middle of a foggy sea....."     
from "South Pacific"

Beautiful, Aloha 

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