Monday, July 4, 2016

Tomita Family Fun

Dad and Mom Tomita had a family funeral to attend at the Punchbowl, in Honolulu, which would require them to be gone all day. Since we know the girls, they asked us to help out. They are sweet girls, so it wasn't hard to say yes.
Grandpa and Belle with their bling!

Coral, re-blinging, Grandpa.
Grandpa and Coral watching TV.

Grandpa, teaching Belle how to make flower petals from play dough.

Coral drew and colored this fish by herself. I suspect she has some artistic skills.

She was pretty pleased with it.

The girls called this "Grandpa's make-over". That is a lot of "pink stuff" and they used it all!  I love the animals lined up on the sofa.

Our 100 year old birthday party. It was a fun day!


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