Sunday, January 3, 2016

This is Sister Clausen. We traveled from the MTC, together.


We visited the Polynesian Cultural Center and found our good friend, Tasi, in the Samoan village, making items from coconut leaves. We were happy to see her. She serves there each weekday teaching visitors about Samoa. 


  1. Sister Cameron!!!!!! This is little Annie McDowell!!! Someone in C16 gave me your blog info!! I just read the entire thing up until today! You guys are awesome and looks and sounds like you are a perfect fit for the Saints in Hawaii! We have an Elder fresh from the MTC from Hawaii. I will have to ask where he is from. We are doing pretty good here in Oregon!!! I can't wait to read more about your adventures!!! Love, Ann

  2. What do the crowns of coconut leaves mean? And what is at the end of the sticks you are holding. Heidi's looks like a fish? Are they similar to origami? Thanks for the neat picture...Love the missionary issued flip flops:o)

    1. I talked to Tasi, last night, and she said the crowns are headbands and easy to make. They are the beginning of a hat, but, they can't make those for a billion crazy tourists.

  3. It makes me happy that you can still wear your comfy dresses and flip flops.
