Saturday, January 23, 2016

Can stoplights be "stupid"?
Elder Cameron is a responsibe and safe driver. However, he has run this particular stoplight, two times in the past month. Fortunately, for us, there have been no mishaps. It is the stoplight where we turn to go to church and by Kuhuku High School, so it is well placed.  We drive through it every day, and often, several times. It's new epithet is "stupid stoplight".  I laugh every time I hear him quietly mutter those words. 



  1. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos. I love Oahu. We are planning on coming over in Dec. or January.

  2. Thank you so much for that sweet email! I am also so glad to finally have your blog address, I love reading this!! I am so jealous of you and them, you for being there and them for having you!! Thank you the wonderful example you have always set. I look forward to following your adventures!! :)

  3. I say that to some of the stoplights on my way to work all the time. I swear they turn red just because I am coming - even though no car is coming from any other direction.
