Friday, March 10, 2017


Mardy is a member of our Sunset Branch and is seventy years old. She and her husband were baptized less than ten years ago. She took care of her disabled husband for several years, before he passed away. She also has a progressive eye disease that will eventually blind her. Currently, she can see shapes and shadows. She lives alone and is fiercely independent. It took us multiple tries, and a couple of months before she would even let Elder Cameron do some yard work for her. She would stick pretty close to him and observe how he cared for her plants. It didn't take her long to recognize his gentle and accomplished hand. We set up a standing appointment, every Thursday at 4:30, to help her in any way she needed us to. After a couple of weeks, she quit following him and she and I sit on the shaded porch and I read scriptures to her. Elder Cameron has set them up on her computer so she can listen to them, but its much more fun to discuss them as we go. As a former teacher, she adds keen opinions to religious and political conversations. She has started using the local van service to attend sacrament meeting. This is a tremendous step for her.


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