Tuesday, February 21, 2017

If you invite them, they will come!

Steve and Katie at the Laie Visitors' Center.

 This statue is of Hamana Kalili, who lost the three middle fingers of his right hand while working at the Kahuku Sugar Mill. Because of the accident, he was moved to guard the sugar train, and used his hand to signal "all clear". This wave evolved into the shaka as the children and residents mimicked him.

Elder Cameron mimicking his Ukulele buddy.

Our children mimicking our Christmas card.

Beautiful, Bougainvillea.

At, Seven Brothers, eating macadamia/coconut crusted shrimp. Mmmm. Katie has an enormous brother burger. They're tasty, too.

The turtle whisperer, at Secret Turtle Beach.

We love our kids.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad they visited you!! I'm so excited to see you soon too!!!!!
