Monday, June 20, 2016

Pearl Harbor

You know its been eight weeks when you see a Pearl Harbor post. Here is another edition of our service adventures on the Mighty Mo.

Elder Cameron 

        Love the flags that line both sides of the entrance to the ship.

 That orange shirt and red shorts are two of our Elders, carrying some pipe from the dock, up to the bow of the boat. 

 Downstairs, cleaning the original kitchen. 

 Sister Furikawa and Sister Tausinga cleaning the mess hall.

 They appear to be taking a break.

 Sister Penales still cleaning while the Elders visit. We're adopting her. 

 Eating ice cream after the work. Elder Mapasua in his man skirt.

 Sister Penales and Sister Cameron, visiting with a woman from Spokane.

 Waiting for our bus.

Japan, China, Tonga, Mexico, Philippines, S. Korea, Samoa, Canada and USA, represented in this group.


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