Monday, March 14, 2016

After four months, we have established a schedule of sorts.

• We attend two wards every Sunday. 
• We have District Meeting, every week.
• We attend the Temple, weekly or more.
• We pick up trash at the Sunset Beach Shower & Rest Area, monthly.
• We volunteer at the Kuhuku Food Bank, monthly.
• We attend both Sunset Branch councils, monthly
• We inspect the missionaries apartments, every six weeks.
• We volunteer at Pearl Harbor, every eight weeks.

Not scheduled, but happen, frequently:

• Driving missionaries to appointments. (Not all have cars).
• Our own appointments with investigators, and less active.
• Zone Conferences.
• Interviews with President and Sister Warner.
• Elder Cameron cleaning the ceiling fan. Come on, I had to add this!



  1. I can not believe that you turned it off to clean it. It must have been a low humidity day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In time, snorkeling better make that list!
