Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Last night at YSA-FHE, we arrived at the park pavilion and a piñata was sorta hanging. It wasn't clear what "it" was.  Pretty soon a pickup drove right up onto the cement pavilion, blasting Mexican music. I thought "oh boy".

We all took some whacks at it and as candy fell out, we grabbed it and were instructed not to eat it. 
Whaatt?  Well, each piece of candy had something written 
on it...

• what is your favorite scripture and why
• a chosen scripture which you read and then   
  talked about 
• a favorite primary song or hymn which we all sang

It turned out very well and we all got to know one another 
better. I think the crepe paper box was eventually referred 
to as "The Chupacabra".  


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